2022 COVID information

Ripley Farmers’ Market information for customers 

January 2022 Update

We have taken many additional measures to keep our market open for local visitors, but are very aware that we must continue to be vigilant and consider the safety of all - whether stallholders, shoppers or volunteers at the market. We have the full support of Ripley Parish Council, Environmental Health & Surrey Police to continue to run our markets safely. Our risk assessments are compiled following guidelines published in the Gov.UK document ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19): Public Places – Urban Centres and Green Spaces’.

  • Some of our stalls have samples, so long as we have an up-to-date risk assessment from them.
  • Individuals shielding, self-isolating or showing symptoms of COVID-19 including stallholders, volunteers, and customers – please stay at home. 
  • We are still providing one entrance and exit area only and offer hand sanitiser to shoppers as they come into and exit the site.
  • We also encourage social distancing of 2 metres and the wearing of face masks, but this is up to the individual.
  • Our stalls are spaced 3 metres apart as we have the space to do this. 
  • Please walk around the back of queues, not through them.
  • Please DO NOT TOUCH PRODUCE, stallholders will help you. We ask our stallholders to regularly sanitise customer touchpoints on their stalls.

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